This is a full extract of data from The Lens, provided by UW-Madison’s subscription. It is available for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research use.
Related: The Lens database is the searchable web-based interface to the same information.
This data set includes scholarly article citations from sources like PubMed and CrossRef, and patent data from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and other international patent offices.
The patent data has been partitioned by the major patent jurisdictions:
Jurisdiction | Name | Uncompressed Size | Average File Size Uncompressed | Number of Files |
CNIPA | China National Intellectual Property Administration | 210GB | ~450MB | 477 |
EPO | European Patent Organization; individual European country patent offices | 399GB | ~1.4GB | 292 |
JPO | Japan Patent Office | 99GB | ~370MB | 275 |
USPTO | United States Patent and Trademark Office | 1.1TB | ~5.4GB | 209 |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization | 328GB | ~5.8GB | 58 |
Other-Agencies | NA - all other patent jurisdictions | 151GB | ~550MB | 280 |
Totals | 2.3TB | N/A | 1591 |